A list of all Aftermarket accounts in your RRPproxy account.
Possible Gateways
The command QueryAftermarketAccountList is available via the following gateways:
Required Parameters
The following parameters are standard parameters for this command.
wide=1|<NULL> (optional)
aftermarketaccount=<PATTERN>|<NULL> (optional)
description=<PATTERN>|<NULL> (optional)
accountkey=<PATTERN>|<NULL> (optional)
listeddomains=<PATTERN>|<NULL> (optional)
provider=<PATTERN>|<NULL> (optional)
first=<INT>|<NULL> (optional)
limit=<INT>|<NULL> (optional)
orderby=<TEXT>|<NULL> (optional)
order=asc|desc|<NULL> (optional)
property[aftermarketaccount][0] = <TEXT>
property[description][0] = <TEXT>
property[accountkey][0] = <TEXT>
property[listed domains][0] = <INT> (Shows how many domains are currently listed for sale with this Aftermarket Account)
property[login successful][0] = 0|1 (Shows if the Login to the Aftermarket Provider was successful (1) or unsuccessful (0).
Unsuccessful if the Account Key has been changed, for example directly at the Aftermarket Provider.)
property[provider][0] = sedo (the respective Aftermarket Provider)
property[count][0] = <INT>
property[first][0] = <INT>
property[last][0] = <INT>
property[limit][0] = <INT>
property[total][0] = <INT>