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CentralNic Reseller Homepage

Enable DNSSEC for KeyDNS zones

  • Zone is not existing in KeyDNS: Add the DNS zone to KeyDNS with the command AddDNSZone. To enable DNSSEC support, add the parameter 'signed=1' to the AddDNSZone command.
  • Zone is already existing in KeyDNS: Use the command ModifyDNSZone with the additional parameter 'signed=1' to enable DNS support for your existing DNS zone. You can set signed=0 to disable DNSSEC support of a DNSSEC enabled zone. Please ensure in this case, that the delegation signer in the parent zone is not present anymore.
    • Sign the zone
    • After DNS changes have been propagated, update the parent zone. The information can be obtained by the StatusDNSZone command. Please always use the KSK (flag: 257) to update the parent zone

Key rollover

KeyDNS DNSSEC supports two kinds of key rollovers:

  • Zone signing key (ZSK) rollover
    • Can be manually initiated with the ModifyDNSZone command parameter: rollover=ZSK.
    • The ZSK rollover is finished automatically.
    • The ZSK being rolled automatically every month.
  • Key signing key (KSK) rollover
    • Needs interaction with the parent zone.
    • Can be manually initiated with the ModifyDNSZone command parameter: rollover=KSK.
    • Can be finished (after parent zone update) with the parameter:finishkskrollover=<keytag>. The <keytag> defines the dnssec key whose rollover should be finished. The relevant keytag is returned by the command StatusDNSZone as the first part of the 'keydsdata sha256' parameter (where keydata flag: 257, keystatus: ready).
    • The first KSK rollover of a newly added DNSSEC zone can be initiated after the KSK key status has changed to 'active'.
    • The KSK is not being rolled automatically.

Only one ZSK and one KSK rollover can be active at the same time. To update the domain name with the relevant keydata or DS (delegation signer) data, please follow the CentralNic Reseller manual. Please use always the KSK (flag: 257) and not the ZSK for updating the parent zone.

DNSSEC policy


  • Refresh: 4-daily
  • Validity: 14 days

Denial of non existence

  • NSEC3


  • KSK: Algorithm 8, Length: 4096
  • ZSK: Algorithm 8, Length: 2048

DNSSEC capable name servers

*All Servers are DNSSEC capable.*

Overview about the infrastructure can be found here:

Unicast - https://kb.centralnicreseller.com/dns/keydns/the-unicast-infrastructure

Anycast - https://kb.centralnicreseller.com/dns/keydns/the-anycast-infrastructure


The DNSSEC keys are returned in the command response, if they are already present while the AddDNSZone command is still running. If the signing system is busy at the command runtime, the command finishes with 'code = 200' without returning the keys. In this case, the keys can be obtained by running a StatusDNSZone command for the relevant zone


command              = AddDNSZone
dnszone              = test23.com
rr0                  = @ IN A
signed               = 0 (DEFAULT) | 1 (OPTIONAL)


code                 = 200
description          = Command completed successfully
property[dnszone][0] = test23.com
property[signed][0]  = 1



command                       = ModifyDNSZone
dnszone                       = test23.com
signed                        = 0 (DEFAULT) | 1 (OPTIONAL)
rollover                      = ZSK|KSK (OPTIONAL)
finishkskrollover             =  (OPTIONAL)


code                          = 200
description                   = Command completed successfully
property[dnszone][0]          = test23.com
property[signed][0]           = 1
property[keydata][0]          = 256 3 7 AwEAAbx0urqypm7uybErzrtR70kq7qssn3ymHiFm9BZU60XS...
property[keydata][1]          = 257 3 7 AwEAAZx3U49y0YtUqi3GPY1uJEutzc+OGTvokyuazuaszgtQ...
property[keydsdata sha1][0]   = 10323 7 1 807D794BB5D11A01400C52A71427A9D5EBD0723...
property[keydsdata sha1][1]   = 58374 7 1 DE121E8497B4A41F86FE0D4051277E05BE95D86...
property[keydsdata sha256][0] = 10323 7 2 6270424DAE90A229F07846C803726D3A39941...
property[keydsdata sha256][1] = 58374 7 2 89B4292C6989809BDFBA71E746AA65D27F3C5...
property[status][0]           = active
property[status][1]           = ready
property[type][0]             = ZSK
property[type][1]             = KSK



ommand                       = statusdnszone
dnszone                       = test23.com


code                          = 200
description                   = Command completed successfully
property[dnszone][0]          = test23.com
property[soamname][0]         = ns1.dnsres.net
property[soarname][0]         = tech.dnsres.net
property[soaserial][0]        = 2009081701
property[soattl][0]           = 28800
property[signed][0]           = 1
property[keydata][0]          = 256 3 7 AwEAAbx0urqypm7uybErzrtR70kq7qssn3ymHiFm9BZU60XSWC22...
property[keydata][1]          = 257 3 7 AwEAAZx3U49y0YtUqi3GPY1uJEutzc+OGTvokyuazuaszgtQ7bYz...
property[keydsdata sha1][0]   = 10323 7 1 807D794BB5D11A01400C52A71427A9D5EBD07236gt6...
property[keydsdata sha1][1]   = 58374 7 1 DE121E8497B4A41F86FE0D4051277E05BE95D866ju9...
property[keydsdata sha256][0] = 10323 7 2 6270424DAE90A229F07846C803726D3A399415gr3...
property[keydsdata sha256][1] = 58374 7 2 89B4292C6989809BDFBA71E746AA65D27F3C539hg...
property[status][0]           = active
property[status][1]           = ready
property[type][0]             = ZSK
property[type][1]             = KSK

We domains