CentralNic Reseller Homepage
CentralNic Reseller Homepage


The listing at the Aftermarket Provider can be changed by updating the price, the type of listing (fixed price or bidding) or temporarily remove the domain from the listing.

Possible Gateways

The command ModifyAftermarketDomain is available via the following gateways:

Required Parameters

The following parameters are standard parameters for this command.


token=<TEXT>                     (Identifier token for this listing.)
price=<DECIMAL>                  (Price for the listed Domain. Format XX.XX, decimals always need to be stated. A minimum price of 90.00 USD is required.)
listingtype=buy_now|make_offer   (Price is fixed|Offers can be made. Defaults to buy_now if not stated otherwise.)
listed=0|1                       (0 = Remove domain from listing, but keep it at the Aftermarket Provider; 1 = list the domain for sale.)


property[aftermarketdomain][0] = <DOMAIN>
property[status][0] = listed|pending     (pending: Domain ist known to Aftermarket Provider but not listed for sale; listed: Domain ist listed for sale.)

We domains