CentralNic Reseller Homepage
CentralNic Reseller Homepage

OwnerChange: Modify Domain

To initate an OwnerChange.


command = ModifyDomain
domain = example.com
ownercontact0 = P-ABC2
TriggerFOA = 0|1      <---- Optional. Triggers sending of FOA Mail, even in Designated Agent Mode.


code = 200
description = Command completed successfully; OwnerChange pending confirmation
property[ownerchange status][0] = REQUESTED


TRIGGERFOA 1 forces the system to send FOA mails, even if the reseller account uses the Designated Agent Mode
TRIGGERDA 1 forces the system to use the designated agent mode for the relevant operation, even if the reseller account uses FOA Mode. This setting needs to be enabled within the reseller properties (Account --> Settings --> ICANN Transfer).


Precheck for material changes

  • The CHECKONLY=1 parameter can be used to check if a change of the owner contact is a material change and the FOA process is mandatory, without performing any changes to the domain.


command = ModifyDomain
domain = example.tld
ownercontact0 = P-ABC1
checkonly = 1

Response on material change


code = 200
description = Command completed successfully; Check only
property[ownerchange status][0] = REQUESTED

Response on non-material change


code = 200
description = Command completed successfully; Check only

We domains