CentralNic Reseller Homepage
CentralNic Reseller Homepage

Required Documents

Please submit all needed document types in one single document with only one of the below declarations also if the document contains more than just one type of documents. You can choose any of the required declarations if this document is needed and contained.

TMCH requires all necessary documents in one .pdf or .jpg file, which must not exceed 10 MB file size.

The document file name must contain one of the document type declarations:


The e-mail address will be displayed in the response and will always follows this syntax: [email protected].

Subject needs to be: "TMCH <reseller-accountname>:<trademark id>" (without quotation marks AND no blank between <reseller-accountname>:<trademark id>)

Clearinghouse guidelines

The Clearinghouse guidelines provide an overview of the eligibility requirements and what type of marks may be accepted for inclusion in the Clearinghouse.
Updated to 1.2. See last page for list of changes.

TMCH Guidelines Ver. 1.2 (pdf)

License declaration for registered trademarks

The license declaration for registered trademarks is a template declaration which needs to be provided when the Trademark Holder of a registered trademark has indicated that he/she is the licensee of a trademark and the license of the trademark has not been recorded with the relevant trademark office. This license declaration for registered trademarks needs to be downloaded, completed and signed by both licensor (the current owner) and licensee (the holder of the mark). The licensee is the party that is mentioned on the trademark record submitted to the Clearinghouse.

License declaration for registered trademarks (pdf)

License declaration for marks protected under statute or treaty

The license declaration for marks protected under statute or treaty is a template declaration which needs to be provided when the Trademark Holder of a mark protected under statute or treaty has indicated that he/she is the licensee of a mark protected under statute or treaty. This license declaration for registered trademarks needs to be downloaded, completed and signed by both licensor (the current owner) and licensee (the holder of the mark). The licensee is the party that is mentioned on the trademark record submitted to the Clearinghouse.

License declaration for marks protected under statute or treaty (pdf)

License declaration for court validated trademarks

The license declaration for court validated trademarks is a template declaration which needs to be provided when the Trademark Holder of a court validated mark has indicated that he/she is the licensee of a court validated mark. This license declaration for court validated trademarks needs to be downloaded, completed and signed by both licensor (the current owner) and licensee (the holder of the mark). The licensee is the party that is mentioned on the trademark record submitted to the Clearinghouse.

License declaration for court validated trademarks (pdf)

Proof of use - signed declaration to Trademark Agents

The signed declaration for proof of use is a template declaration which needs to be provided, along with a single sample of proof of use, in order to benefit from the sunrise services. The signed declaration of proof of use should be downloaded, completed and signed. The name of the submitting party is the name of the Trademark Holder.

Proof of use - signed declaration to Trademark Agents (pdf)

List of online databases

List of the jurisdictions in which an online database for registered trademarks is available. Please note that this list is subject to change.

List of online databases (pdf)

We domains