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Sectigo: Hash Generation

As of July 20th 2017 the handling for FILE and DNS based validation for Comodo certificates has changed.

The biggest differences are:

  • Hashes need to be created using SHA-256 instead of SHA1
  • The directory for the file for FILE validation via HTTP(S) has changed to: /.well-known/pki-validation/

Previously, the file had to be stored at the root directory of the respective domain.

  • A Random Hash has been introduced for all FILE and DNS based validation.
  • For DNS validation an underscore “_” as leading character and point “.” as separator has been introduced for the CNAME resource records.
  • The SHA-256 Hash needs to be interrupted with a point every 32 characters.

FILE and DNS based validation for Comodo certificates requires the creation of 2 different hashes in DER format:

  • SHA-256 of the CSR in DER (important!) format
  • MD5 of the CSR in DER (important!) format

These can be created using openssl:

  • cat server.csr | openssl req -outform DER | shasum -a 256
  • cat server.csr | openssl req -outform DER | md5sum

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