Domain Restrictions
- Both, company registration number (any country) and TAX ID or VAT ID of the company are required.
- For individuals, passport or ID number is required.
Please find in the following a set of the most commonly used standard API commands in order to register, modify, renew, and transfer a domain name.
command = AddDomain
domain =
period = (INT)
ownercontact0 = (CONTACT)
admincontact0 = (CONTACT)
techcontact0 = (CONTACT)
billingcontact0 = (CONTACT)
nameserver0 = (NAMESERVER)
nameserver1 = (NAMESERVER)
X-RO-VAT-NUMBER = (TEXT)(only if within EU countries)
X-RO-COMPANY-NUMBER = (TEXT)(commercial register number)
command = TradeDomain
domain =
X-RO-TRADE-TOKEN = abc1234
ownercontact0 =(CONTACT)
X-RO-VAT-NUMBER = (TEXT)(only if within EU countries)
X-RO-COMPANY-NUMBER = (TEXT)(commercial register number)
X-RO-IDCARD-OR-PASSPORT-NUMBER = (TEXT) trades for domains, which have been registered or transferred prior to 2018/04/03, are currently only possible through our fulfillment team. You will receive the price upon a request.
For domains that have been registered through or transferred to our automated system after this date, the trade can be initiated but will NOT be processed automatically in real time! A successful trade will start the domain registration period from the beginning and all previously remaining registration time will be lost.
command = RenewDomain
domain =
period = (INT)
expiration = (INT)
COMMAND = DeleteDomain
In order to delete a domain, which has been registered or transferred prior to 2018/04/03, you have to send a fax to the registry. The form can be created through the (fax no: +40-21-316 10 84)
Further you have to send the original document to the registry via mail to:
For domains that have been registered through or transferred to our automated system after the above mentioned date, the deletion can be processed automatically.
command = TransferDomain
domain =
action = REQUEST
auth = (TEXT)
The transfer code can only be requested by the registrant in his account at ("2. Acquiring Authorization Key for domain transfer from" is the correct option).
command = RestoreDomain
domain =
The restore request will be manually processed by our support team for domains, which have been registered or transferred prior to 2018/04/03. You will be notified by email. Restore requests, for domains registered or transferred after the due date, are processed automatically.
X-RO-IDCARD-OR-PASSPORT-NUMBER | If the registrant is a natural person you have to provide a valid passport or id-card number |
X-RO-COMPANY-NUMBER | Commercial register number |
X-RO-VAT-NUMBER | Only if within EU countries |
We domains