CentralNic Reseller Homepage
CentralNic Reseller Homepage


API commands

Please find in the following a set of the most commonly used standard API commands in order to register, modify, renew, and transfer a domain name.

Domain Registration

(API Command reference » AddDomain)
command         = AddDomain
domain          = yourdomain.nu
period          = (INT)
ownercontact0   = (CONTACT)
admincontact0   = (CONTACT)
techcontact0    = (CONTACT)
billingcontact0 = (CONTACT)
nameserver0	= (NAMESERVER)
nameserver1 	= (NAMESERVER)

Domain Modification

(API Command reference » ModifyDomain)
Standard command
command = ModifyDomain
domain  = yourdomain.nu

Change of registrant

command       = TradeDomain
domain        = yourdomain.nu
ownercontact0 = (CONTACT)
  • The change of registrant of a .nu domain name requires a special form, which can be generated through our formgenerator. The domain will not be renewed after the trade. Be aware that the use of the already set owner contact handle during the trade does not update the extension parameters.
    • A signed copy of the needed form can be sent by mail to fax@rrpproxy.net (max. 10MB, .pdf only).

Domain Renewal

(API Command reference » RenewDomain)
command    = RenewDomain
domain     = yourdomain.nu
period     = (INT)
expiration = (INT)

Domain Deletion

(API Command reference » DeleteDomain)
COMMAND = DeleteDomain
DOMAIN = yourdomain.nu

Domain Transfer

(API Command reference » TransferDomain)
command = TransferDomain
domain = yourdomain.nu
action = REQUEST
auth = (TEXT)


  • The following validation rules will be applied for the authInfo element when a new domain is being added or when the authInfo for an existing domain is being updated.
  • The authInfo will need to have at least nine characters consisting of one number, one alphabet and one special character:
    • Numbers 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 0
    • Upper Case Alphabets A , B , C , D , E , F , G , H , I , J , K , L , M , N , O , P , Q , R , S , T , U , V , W , X , Y , Z
    • Lower Case Alphabets a , b , c , d , e , f , g , h , i , j , k , l , m , n , o , p , q , r , s , t , u , v , w , x , y , z
    • Special Characters ! , " , # , $ , % , & , ' , ( , ) , * , + , , , - , . , / , : , ; , < , = , > , ? , @ , [ , \ , ] , ^ , _ , ` , { , | , } , ~

Domain Restore

(API Command reference » RestoreDomain)
command = RestoreDomain
domain  = yourdomain.nu

Domain Extensions

X-NU-IIS-IDNOPersonal identification number, corporate identity number or registration designation in a governmental register.
For contacts located in Sweden a valid Swedish ID number is necessary (e.g.: 123456-1234)
X-NU-IIS-VATNOValid VAT ID for companies.

Domain Restrictions

Any natural person or legal entity with a personal identification number or corporate identity number, or that can be identified via a registration designation in a register maintained by a governmental authority, or by an organization exercising state authority, may apply for registration of a domain name under the top-level domain .nu. For foreign domain holders, a unique identification number can be used instead.

IDN Information

Valid IDN languages are languages regarding ISO-8859-1, Western European languages, with the exception of the Dutch "ij" ligature

Supported IDN Scripts

The following IDN scripts are supported by .nu.
Provide the LANGUAGE TAG corresponding to your desired IDN within the AddDomain command as X-IDN-LANGUAGE extension.


Get more information of "IDN tables", which represent permitted code points (letters) allowed for Internationalised Domain Name registrations in particular registries on IANA Repository of IDN Practices.

We domains