Domain Restrictions
- Owner has to be located in Hong Kong
- A company registration number and supporting documents are required (for organizations) or a faxed copy of the personal ID/passport (for individuals) is required for registration.
- For a Second-Level '.hk' domain name, applications are accepted from organizations and individuals from both local and overseas.
- Use of the word "government", "bank", "assurance", "insurance" or derivatives of these names require additional justification documents.
- The change of name servers is NOT free of charge for a domain under an old contract! To change the name servers you have to accept a special parameter "ACCEPT-NSCHANGE=1". You can check the information with the "StatusDomain" command. The domain parameter X-HK-CONTRACT-VERSION (e.g. in the response of a StatusDomain) shows the needed information.
Local presence mandatory for Registrant.
All domain contacts should have the same contact type as the domain category given in the extension X-HK-DOMAIN-CATEGORY.
Mandatory documents needed for registration
Additional information can be found in the FAQ of HKDNR.
The necessary documents can be created at, which can then be sent by fax or by mail to [email protected] (max. 10MB .pdf)