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Please note that the Danish registry has introduced the “Registrar Management” domain model.

This new model is currently not supported by CentralNic Reseller. We must decline transfers if the domain is under the “Registrar Management” model. Please contact the support team for more information.

Starting with 2025-01-15, Punktum.DK has announced that new registrants have to approve registry's terms and conditions on a dedicated page of resellers, at the time of registration. This acceptance can be forwarded to CNR setting the extension X-DK-ACCEPT-TAC=1. This is the recommended process, as it is real time.

We are also offering an alternative registration process, where if you submit AddDomain requests with X-DK-ACCEPT-TAC=0 (this will imply that the registrant has NOT accepted the registry's terms and conditions), we provide a dedicated, unbranded page where registrants can finish registration, in compliance with registry's requirements.

Note: In this alternative 2-step process, registration is not real-time from the end user's perspective. The data from the initial request is stored on our side, but not submitted to the registry until the acceptance of the terms and conditions, which means there is a risk that the domain could be registered by someone else during this time.

More details can be found at Punktum.dk

This acceptance of registry's terms and conditions will also be enforced on trades, starting with 2025-04-30. Updates will be given in due time for this change.

API commands

Please find in the following a set of the most commonly used standard API commands in order to register, modify, renew, and transfer a domain name.

Domain Registration

(API Command reference » AddDomain)
command             = AddDomain
domain              = yourdomain.dk
period              = (INT)
ownercontact0       = (CONTACT)
admincontact0       = (CONTACT)
techcontact0        = (CONTACT)
billingcontact0     = (CONTACT)
nameserver0         = (NAMESERVER)
nameserver1         = (NAMESERVER)
X-DK-ACCEPT-TAC     = (0|1) (required)
DNSSEC[0-N]         = (DSDATA) (optional)

Please note: .dk domain names can now be secured with DNSSEC (only for the AddDomain command). Punktum.dk supports DSDATA, but not KEYDATA.

Domain Modification

(API Command reference » ModifyDomain)

General modifications including changing name servers for .dk domains are only possible via the Punktum.dk Self Service in the .dk web interface.

Process for changing nameservers.

Change of registrant

Changing the registrant of a .dk domain can currently only be done through the Punktum.dk web interface as explained on their website.

  • Please note that the Danish registry has introduced a fee of 50,00 DKK for the change of registrant (trade) of a .dk domain on January 1, 2019. The fee is due as soon as the new domain holder agrees to the trade. The whole trade process and the payment of the trade fee to the registry is done through the Self-Service Portal of Punktum.dk.
  • If a .DK owner change is processed, all three registry-side roles (registrant, proxy and payer) will be changed to the new domain owner. This will lead to a domain not being under our management anymore and will need to be transferred in again.

    If such an owner change is completed within 45 days of the domain's expiration date, the registry will immediately invoice the new owner and the domain can only be transferred back in once renewal has been paid and finalized.

Domain Renewal

(API Command reference » RenewDomain)
command    = RenewDomain
domain     = yourdomain.dk
period     = (INT)
expiration = (INT)

Please note: The registry will send a confirmation e-mail to the domain owner after the successful renewal.

Domain Deletion

DeleteDomain is not available for .dk TLDs.

.dk domain names can only be deleted through the Punktum.dk webinterface (no documents are required)

Domain Transfer

(API Command reference » TransferDomain)
command = TransferDomain
domain  = yourdomain.dk
action  = request
  • Domains under the “Registrar Management” model can not be transferred at the moment. Please contact the support team for more information
  • No authcode is required.
  • Domains in status "Deactivated" need to be reactivated by the registrant through Punktum.dk prior to the transfer; if reactivation fees occur due to a transfer of a deactivated domain, these will be passed to the reseller

Domain Restore

(API Command reference » RestoreDomain)
command = RestoreDomain
domain  = yourdomain.dk

Domain Extensions


This parameter is optional. If no value is set, COMPANY or INDIVIDUAL will be used depending on the organization field in the Contact Handle.

This parameter is needed at registration. Setting it, implies the fact that the registrant has accepted the registry’s terms and conditions. Sending the extension with value “0” will trigger the alternative registration process, where registrants can accept registry’s terms and conditions on a page provided by us.

Registrations with missing extension X-DK-ACCEPT-TAC will be rejected.

Domain Extensions for organisations or companies

X-DK-USER-ID-NUMBERThis parameter depends on the USER-TYPE. It is mandatory for companies, public organizations, and associations. Valid values are EAN (used by the public sector in Denmark for electronic invoicing), CVR (VAT number), or pnumber (production unit number)

Domain Restrictions

  • Name servers for .dk domain names must be approved by Punktum.dk before sending a registration request.
    • Register name server
    • All name servers in the .dk zone must be registered and approved by Punktum.dk.
    • To get this approval of name servers, the administrator must document the needed technical knowledge about dns, including setting up domain names on a name server. Punktum.dk does not support setting up name servers.
    • As a part of the approving process, the applicant must allow zone transfer from the name servers to:
      • Name server at Punktum.dk: hostcount.dk-hostmaster.dk
      • IPv4 address:
      • IPv6 address: 2a01:630:0:40:3:4:5:6
    • The form has become obsolete. Please use the Punktum.dk website instead. Approval of name servers will take a minimum of 2 work days to process. When the name servers are approved, the registry will notify you in an email.
  • For the change of nameservers please see procedure below
    • This section of Punktum.dk's website directs primary to DNS contacts
    • General information regarding Nameserver administration can be found at the registry via this link.
    • Existing name servers must be administrated, using the registry self service.
    • New name servers can be created using this link.
    • Change name servers IP address:
      • When a name server receives a new IP address, Punktum.dk only needs to update this information, if the name server is a part of the .dk zone and the name server hosts its own domain.
      • If the name server is not in the .dk zone? It will not be possible to make the update in the .dk zone. The update must be performed in the name servers zone. Ex. .com, .org or .net.
      • Does the name server run its own domain? Changes of the name servers IP addresses must be updated, using registry self service.
      • How can I see if the name server is running its own domain? In this example, we use the registry name servers:
        • authns1.ngdc.net
        • auth01.dk-hostmaster.dk
        • auth02.dk-hostmaster.dk
        • all run our domain: dk-hostmaster.dk
    • As the name for two of the registry name servers both dk-hostmaster.dk, the registry says, they run their own domain. That is why changes of these name servers IP addresses, must be updated in the registry self service. The name server authns1.ngdc.net must be updated in the .net zone.
    • Changing the name of your name server If the name server is to given a new name, it must be registered, and approved by Punktum.dk. After the approval, all domain names can be redelegated internally to the new name server. Then the old name server, can be removed from the .dk zone.

IDN Information

You can use all Danish characters in your .dk domain name. This means that you can use æ, ø and å in your domain name. You can also use the letters ö, ä, ü and é and numbers from 0 to 9 and - (negative sign used as a hyphen or substitute for spaces). Not all internet browsers and e-mail programs can handle domain names with the characters æ, ø, å, ö, ä, ü and é. If you wish to use the domain name for an e-mail address you should therefore avoid these characters.

Supported IDN Scripts

The following IDN scripts are supported by .dk.
Provide the LANGUAGE TAG corresponding to your desired IDN within the AddDomain command as X-IDN-LANGUAGE extension.


Get more information of "IDN tables", which represent permitted code points (letters) allowed for Internationalised Domain Name registrations in particular registries on IANA Repository of IDN Practices.

We domains