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API commands

Please find in the following a set of the most commonly used standard API commands in order to register, modify, renew, and transfer a domain name.

Domain Registration

(API Command reference » AddDomain)
Standard command
command         = AddDomain
domain          = yourdomain.de
period          = (INT)
ownercontact0   = (CONTACT)
admincontact0   = (CONTACT)
techcontact0    = (CONTACT)
billingcontact0 = (CONTACT)
nameserver0	= (NAMESERVER)
nameserver1 	= (NAMESERVER)
X-DE-HOLDER-PERSON = 0|1 (optional)
X-DE-ABUSE-CONTACT = URL or mailto:email (optional) 
X-DE-GENERAL-REQUEST = URL or mailto:email (optional)

Domain registration with Trustee Service

command         = AddDomain
domain          = yourdomain.de
period          = (INT)
ownercontact0   = (CONTACT)
admincontact0   = (CONTACT)
techcontact0    = (CONTACT)
billingcontact0 = (CONTACT)
nameserver0	= (NAMESERVER)
nameserver1 	= (NAMESERVER)

Domain registration with NSentries

command         = AddDomain
domain          = yourdomain.de
ownercontact0   = (CONTACT)
admincontact0   = (CONTACT)
techcontact0    = (CONTACT)
billingcontact0 = (CONTACT)
nameserver0     = (NAMESERVER)
nameserver1     = (NAMESERVER)
X-DE-NSENTRY0   = mail.domain.de. IN MX 10 mail.yourserver.de
X-DE-NSENTRY1   = www.domain.de. IN A
X-DE-NSENTRY2   = ftp.domain.de. IN A
X-DE-NSENTRY3   = mail.domain.de. IN A
X-DE-NSENTRY4   = smtp.domain.de. IN A
X-DE-HOLDER-PERSON = 0|1 (optional)
X-DE-ABUSE-CONTACT = URL or mailto:email (optional) 
X-DE-GENERAL-REQUEST = URL or mailto:email (optional)

DENIC supports so called NSentries which can be used instead of name servers.

  • A and MX records are supported (CNAME and other records cannot be set)
  • wildcards (*) can only be used for MX, but not for A records.
  • only the corresponding domain name or subdomain name can be set as NSentry
  • NSentries can be used with AddDomain, ModifyDomain or TransferDomain command
  • up to 5 NSentries can be set using extension "X-DE-NSENTRY0" - "X-DE-NSENTRY4"
  • either NSentries OR nameservers can be used
  • if both values have been provided, the nameservers are ignored
  • if neither configured nameservers nor NSentries have been provided in AddDomain command, a default NSentry will be set in order to prevent the domain from deletion
  • the complete set of NSentries is always updated
  • .de does not use name server objects; instead, only glue records are supported, wherefore a ModifyDomain has to be issued and a ModifyNameserver is not sufficient

Domain Modification

(API Command reference » ModifyDomain)
command = ModifyDomain
domain  = yourdomain.de
X-DE-HOLDER-PERSON = 0|1 (optional, new owner-c handle required)
X-DE-ABUSE-CONTACT = URL or mailto:email (optional) 
X-DE-GENERAL-REQUEST = URL or mailto:email (optional) 

Change of registrant

A change of the registrant for a .de domain can be done by specifying the new owner contact handle with the ModifyDomain command. It is not possible to change the name and or organization within a contact handle after the domain has been registered. You have to create a new handle and modify the domain with this new handle. For an ownerchange, a written confirmation of the current holder is necessary.

Note: A holder change cannot be performed if the domain bears a DISPUTE entry.

Domain Renewal

RenewDomain is not available for .de TLDs.

As .de domains can only be registered on a monthly or yearly basis, they cannot be renewed explicitly. To renew a .de domain you have to set the domain renewal mode or default renewal mode to AUTORENEW or RENEWONCE.

Domain Deletion

(API Command reference » DeleteDomain)
Standard command
COMMAND = DeleteDomain
DOMAIN = yourdomain.de

Please note that you're only allowed to delete .de domains, if you have the authorization of the domain owner.


command     = SetDomainRenewalMode
renewalmode = AUTOEXPIRE
domain      = yourdomain.de

If you don't have the authorization of the owner you can push a domain to the registry (DeNIC Transit) with the PushDomain command or by setting the domain renewal mode to "AUTOEXPIRE".

  • Within the period of four weeks mentioned in the TRANSIT letter, the registrant must either have transferred his domain to a new provider or deleted the domain. If the registrant doesn't do either of these things, the domain will be transferred for administration to DENICdirect service, and the registrant will have to pay the corresponding charges in accordance with DENIC's current price list.

For most TLDs there is no difference between AUTODELETE and AUTOEXPIRE. But there is a difference for .de domain names. If a .de domain is set to AUTODELETE it will be deleted at the end of the registration period at the registry. In this case you will be able to restore the domain. If a .de domain is set to AUTOEXPIRE it will be pushed to DENIC TRANSIT at the end of the registration period. Please remember that you need an authorization in order to delete a .de domain.

If a .de domain is in Transit, you have two possibilities:

  • The registrant wants to delete his domain but is not in possession of the Transit letter from DENIC for whatever reason: Transit Deletion Form
  • Since the domain was not deleted, it cannot be restored but must rather be transferred back to RRPproxy, wherefore an authinfo is required: Set Authinfo Form for domain in Transit

Domain Transfer

(API Command reference » TransferDomain)
command         = TransferDomain
domain          = yourdomain.de
auth            = (TEXT)
ownercontact0   = (CONTACT) (optional
admincontact0   = (CONTACT) (optional)
techcontact0    = (CONTACT) (optional)
billingcontact0 = (CONTACT) (optional)
DNSSEC[0-N]     = (DNSSEC) (optional)
X-DE-HOLDER-PERSON = 0|1 (optional)

.de transfers are possible. Upon successfully transfering a .de domain, it is automatically renewed for one year. Please note that when a .de domain is transferred successfully, then the registration period starts from the beginning. Please also refer to the Denic information provided for further details Provider Change with AuthInfo.

By default we keep the DNSSec keys.

To remove DNSSec during Transfer submit DNSSEC0= without a value.

Transfer from RGP

command         = TransferDomain
domain          = yourdomain.de
auth            = (TEXT)
ownercontact0   = (CONTACT)
admincontact0   = (CONTACT)
techcontact0    = (CONTACT)
billingcontact0 = (CONTACT)
X-DE-HOLDER-PERSON = 0|1 (optional)
nameserver0     = (NAMESERVER)
nameserver1     = (NAMESERVER)
X-DE-HOLDER-PERSON = 0|1 (optional)

Now, it is possible to transfer a .de domain name during RGP but therefore it is mandatory to provide all contacts and two correctly configured name servers within the TransferDomain command.

Authorization Codes

command = SetAuthCode
domain  = yourdomain.de
auth    = (TEXT) (optional)
type    = 1|2 (optional: default = 1 for AuthInfo1, 2 = AuthInfo2)
action  = set | delete (optional: default = set)

The transfer has to be initiated with an authcode. You can set an authorization code via webinterface or API. It is not possible to change the authorization code and anything else (nameserver, contacts) at the same time.

Requirements for a .de authorization code

  • The authInfo will need to have at least twelve but not more than 16 characters.
  • Valid characters are: A, B, C, D, E‚ F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 +, -, /, *
  • Invalid characters are: I (uppercase i), l (lowercase l), O (uppercase o), o (lowercase o) and 0 (zero) and 1
  • Two different codes are available: AuthInfo1 and AuthInfo2.
  • Once you set the authorization code it will be valid for a period of 30 days or until you delete it.
  • In the case that both codes are requested, you can use each of them for the transfer of domains.
  • You can only apply for AuthInfo1 for domains that are administered by us.
  • You are able to request AuhtInfo2 for any domain name. The code will then be sent by certified mail to the domain holder respectively to the Admin-C by DENIC.
  • Please notice that the request for an AuthInfo2 is not free of charge.

AuthInfo2 is only necessary if your current provider is not willing or able to provide you with the current AuhInfo1. Then, you have the ability to order an AuthInfo2 through your new registrar. After this has been initiated, a letter will be sent to the owner-c or admin-c (if owner-c has no German address) by mail. Please note that this is NOT free of charge.

Domain Restore

(API Command reference » RestoreDomain)
command = RestoreDomain
domain  = yourdomain.de

After a .de domain has been deleted, it will enter the RGP (Redemption Grace Period) which allows to restore the domain within 30 days. The RGP should protect against domain loss by accidental deletion. If no reactivation takes place in this period the domain will be deleted after 30 days. Domains with an ongoing dispute are excluded from this RGP rule and will be deleted directly and irrevocably.

Upon the deletion af a domain name, the domain status in the whois first changes to "RedemptionPeriod". If a AuthInfo2 code is requested during the Redemption Grace Period the period is reset to 30 days. .DE domains that are registered with another provider and are in the RGP can be restored with a TransferDomain command (when specifying the AuthInfo2 code) and transferred to RRPproxy.

If a .de domain expires it will be pushed into TRANSIT at the DENIC registry. Further information on DENIC TRANSIT can be found at Denic Transit page .

Please note: after DENIC policy changes (GDPR), DENIC only accepts auth-code request forms from the domain owner. Our trustee (admin contact) is therefore no longer possible to request auth-codes.

Domain Extensions

X-DE-ABUSE-CONTACT Optional abuse contact information to be shown in WHOIS. It can be a URL or an email address in mailto:email format.
If the domain owner has no valid German postal address, he can register the domain with our Trustee service.
0 No trustee service required or deactivate trustee service.
1 Monthly invoicing of trustee service
2 Annual invoicing of trustee service
X-DE-GENERAL-REQUEST Optional contact for general and technical questions to be shown in WHOIS. It can be a URL or an email address in mailto:email format.
Optional extension that offers the possibility to set the type of a registrant. If missing, the type is set automatically based on the organization name in owner contact handle.
0 Organization
1 Natural person
DENIC supports so called NSentries which can be used instead of name servers. Configuration details for name servers and NSEntries can be found here.
A and MX records are supported (CNAME and other records cannot be set)
wildcards (*) can only be used for MX, but not for A records.
only the corresponding domain name or subdomain name can be set as NSentry
NSentries can be used with AddDomain, ModifyDomain or TransferDomain command
up to 5 NSentries can be set using extension "X-DE-NSENTRY0" - "X-DE-NSENTRY4"
either NSentries OR nameservers can be used
if both values have been provided, the nameservers are ignored
if neither configured nameservers nor NSentries have been provided in AddDomain command, a default NSentry will be set in order to prevent the domain from deletion
the complete set of NSentries is always updated
.DE does not use name server objects; instead, only glue records are supported, wherefore a ModifyDomain has to be issued and a ModifyNameserver is not sufficient

Domain Restrictions

  • DENIC might request a valid address (no P.O. Box) located in Germany from the owner contact.
  • Nameservers must be configured in advance.
  • Please note that DENIC has very strict requirements on how nameservers should be configured.
  • One of these restrictions affect the use of vanity nameservers. If you are using your own vanity nameservers pointing at the IP Addresses of nameservers operated by RRPProxy and receive an error "118 - Inconsistent set of NS RRs (IP, NS host names)", please use the default RRPProxy nameservers instead (see https://kb.centralnicreseller.com/dns/keydns/keydns-upgrade-to-anycast).
  • You can test your configuration using DENIC's web based ZoneCheck. For additional information on how the DENIC Zonecheck tool works and the most common errors, please refer to the documentation available on that page.

We domains