CentralNic Reseller Homepage
CentralNic Reseller Homepage


Get all informations about your mobile accounts.

Possible Gateways

The command QueryMobileAccountList is available via the following gateways:

Required Parameters

The following parameters are standard parameters for this command.


command = QueryMobileAccountList
wide    =(0|1)
first   =(INT)
limit   =(INT)


code                      =(INT)
description               =(TEXT)
property[account][0]      =(1234567)
property[status][0]       =(ACTIVE|SUSPENDED)
property[password][0]     =(TEXT)
property[current][0]      =(DECIMAL)
property[created date][0] =(DATE)
property[updated date][0] =(DATE)
property[count][0]        =(INT)
property[first][0]        =(INT)
property[last][0]         =(INT)
property[limit][0]        =(INT)
property[total][0]        =(INT)


WIDE Show more or less details (optional)
FIRST First result to display (optional)
LIMIT Limits the number of results to given number (optional)

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