CentralNic Reseller Homepage
CentralNic Reseller Homepage


Retrieve all the block and its information managed in the current account. The parameter ServiceTag# is optional. It can be used to look up which blocks are tagged with a specific tag. The # in the parameter needs to be replaced by an integer starting with 0, such as ServiceTag0, ServiceTag1 etc. to look up multiple tags at once.

Possible Gateways

The command QueryDomainBlockingList is available via the following gateways:

Required Parameters

The following parameters are standard parameters for this command.


command = QueryDomainBlockingList
wide    = 1
history = 0


code = 200
description = Command completed successfully
queuetime = 0
runtime = 0.011
property[column][0] = domainblock
property[column][1] = label
property[column][2] = created date
property[column][3] = created by
property[column][4] = updated date
property[column][5] = updated by
property[column][6] = ownercontact
property[column][7] = registryaccount
property[column][8] = type
property[column][9] = auth code
property[column][10] = registration expiration date
property[column][11] = paid until
property[column][12] = renewaldate
property[column][13] = registrar
property[column][14] = renewalmode
property[column][15] = status
property[column][16] = registrar transfer date
property[count][0] = 2
property[domainblock][0] = BB0A464B355FF4339838485EDEBE91273-NSR
property[label][0] = temple
property[created date][0] = 2022-02-04 14:47:21
property[created by][0] = messe
property[updated date][0] = 2022-02-04 14:47:21
property[updated by][0] = messe
property[ownercontact][0] = P-MNW825
property[registryaccount][0] = ADULTBLOCK/Key-Systems LLC
property[type][0] = ADULTBLOCK
property[auth code][0] = eT$zyu:g1W
property[registration expiration date][0] = 2023-02-04 14:47:21
property[paid until][0] = 2023-02-04 14:47:21
property[renewaldate][0] = 2023-02-02 14:47:21
property[registrar][0] = messe
property[renewalmode][0] = AUTORENEW
property[status][0] = ACTIVE
property[registrar transfer date][0] = 0000-00-00 00:00:00
property[domainblock][1] = BE8A0CF5A362849EF88D04DBAD004E834-NSR
property[label][1] = republic
property[created date][1] = 2022-02-04 11:54:19
property[created by][1] = messe
property[updated date][1] = 2022-02-04 11:54:19
property[updated by][1] = messe
property[ownercontact][1] = P-MNW825
property[registryaccount][1] = ADULTBLOCK/Key-Systems LLC
property[type][1] = ADULTBLOCK
property[auth code][1] = h8v%PO.FbC
property[registration expiration date][1] = 2023-02-04 11:54:19
property[paid until][1] = 2023-02-04 11:54:19
property[renewaldate][1] = 2023-02-02 11:54:19
property[registrar][1] = messe
property[renewalmode][1] = AUTORENEW
property[status][1] = ACTIVE
property[registrar transfer date][1] = 0000-00-00 00:00:00
property[first][0] = 0
property[last][0] = 1
property[limit][0] = 1000
property[total][0] = 2


SERVICETAG# - It can be used to look up which AdultBlocks are tagged with a specific tag. (Optional)

We domains