Special command to list all subdomains of a DNSZone. Each subdomain is listed only once.
Possible Gateways
The command QueryDNSZoneSubdomainList is available via the following gateways:
Required Parameters
The following parameters are standard parameters for this command.
command = QueryDNSZoneSubdomainList
dnszone = test23.com
name = [TEXT]
first = [INT]
limit = [INT]
order = ASC|DESC
cltrid = [TEXT]
code = 200
description = Command completed successfully
property[count][0] = [INT]
property[first][0] = 0
property[last][0] = [INT]
property[limit][0] = [INT]
property[subdomain][0] = www.domain.com
property[total][0] = [INT]
queuetime = 0
runtime = 0.075
DNSZONE | Name of the zone. |
NAME | Filtering for NAME. (optional) |
FIRST | First result to display (optional) |
LIMIT | Limits the number of results to given number (optional) |
ORDER | ASC/DESC (optional) |
CLTRID | Unique identifier for this request, must be changed with every request, the default is auto-generated (optional) |
SUBDOMAIN | Subdomain of the DNS zone. |
COUNT | Total number of records shown |
FIRST | Pointer to the first shown ID |
LAST | Pointer to the last shown ID |
LIMIT | The limit given in the command |
TOTAL | Total number of existing resource records |
CLTRID | The transaction - ID given in the request where this response is the answer for; Will only be returned if a CLTRID was given in the request |
SVTRID | A unique ID for this request generated by the server; Will only be returned if a CLTRID was given in the request |