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List Domains for sale

Domains can be offered as direct sale with a fixed price (buy_now) or as bidding (make_offer):

  • buy_now: The domain will be offered at a set price on the aftermarket, a buyer can buy the domain directly without intervention of the seller.
  • make_offer: The domain has a set minimum price which needs to be matched for a sale, however the buyer can offer a price for which he is willing to buy the domain.

After listing a domain for sale in the Aftermarket System, a token will be returned, which identifies the domain during each unique selling or listing process. This token needs to be stated as parameter for the commands ModifyAftermarketDomain, StatusAftermarketDomain and DeleteAftermarketDomain.

After a domain has been added to the Aftermarket System, a Form Of Authorisation (FOA) email will be sent to the Admin Contact(s) of the respective domain(s). The FOA email contains a link including an approval code< to aftermarketapproval.com to activate the listing.

Sender address: [email protected]

If several domains with the same Admin Contact are added, only one FOA email for these domains will be sent.

The respective URL for approving Sedo listings is http://sedo.aftermarketapproval.com/

Furthermore, approving the FOA email also approves the transfer after a successful sale, i.e. no further FOA email for the outgoing transfer will be sent. Once the Admin Contact approved the listing, the respective domain(s) will be submitted for listing at the selected provider. If after 5 days no approval is received, the domain will automatically be removed from the Aftermarket System in CentralNic Reseller.


Listing Domains for sale through the CentralNic Reseller Aftermarket System is currently only available for Sedo.

We domains