Domain Restrictions
Name registration is limited to names to which the travel organization holds rights to, or uses in their business. In the following some examples:
- Incorporation (legal) Name/Partnership Name/Individual Name
- Doing Business As; Trade Name; or Business Name
- Domain Name as used in a URL
- Trade Mark
- Service Mark
- Product Name
- Club or Association Name
- Transport Vessel Name
- Competition/Event Name
- Division Name
- Subsidiary Name
- Acronyms (must be only the first letter of the primary words of the name)
Eligibility is verified by the .travel registry reviewing information provided by the applicant to determine that the applicant is primarily carrying on business or operations in the travel industry. .travel can be registered if your entity belongs to one of the following Travel Sectors:
- Airlines
- Attractions/Theme Parks
- Bed & Breakfast Houses
- Bus/Taxi/Limousine Operators
- Camp Facility Operators
- Vehicle Rental Companies/Airport Specialty Car Park Companies Computer Reservation/Travel Technology Provider
- Convention & Visitor's Bureaus
- Cruise Lines
- Ferries
- Hotels/Resorts/Casinos
- National Tourism Offices
- Passenger Rail Lines
- Restaurants
- Tour Operators
- Travel Agents
- Travel Media
- Travel-Consumer and Market Research Organizations
The usage of the above described zone specific parameter is mandatory.