Domain Restrictions
- Names under .rio are only for usage by the city council of Rio.
- A .rio domain owner needs to be either:
- Legal entity incorporated in Brazil, with headquarters, branch, franchisee or licensee located in the city of Rio de Janeiro, with active record in “Cadastro Nacional das Pessoas Jurídicas – CNPJ/MF” of the Finance Ministry.
- Individual with fixed address in the city of Rio de Janeiro, with active record in “Cadastro das Pessoas Físicas – CPF/MF” of the Finance Ministry.
- A domain owner that loses eligibility to a .rio domain is subject to termination of DNS publication for the domain, and to domain removal, no matter of the domain expiration date.
- Two pre-configured nameservers are required
- No trustee service is allowed; abuse can lead to the deletion of the domain name by the registry
- These restrictions and additional information can be found in the registration policies
After a successful registration of the domain, it will be transfer locked from the registry for a period of 60 days.