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API commands

Please find in the following a set of the most commonly used standard API commands in order to register, modify, renew, and transfer a domain name.

Domain Registration

(API Command reference » AddDomain)
command         = AddDomain
domain          = yourdomain.org.br
period          = (INT)
ownercontact0   = (CONTACT)
admincontact0   = (CONTACT)
techcontact0    = (CONTACT)
billingcontact0 = (CONTACT)
nameserver0	= (NAMESERVER)
nameserver1 	= (NAMESERVER)

The X-BR-REGISTER-NUMBER parameter is mandatory for the registration of a .org.br domain without trustee service.

If you register the domain without trustee service, you have to state a billing contact with a valid Brazilian address.

Registration with Trustee

command         = AddDomain
domain          = yourdomain.org.br
period          = (INT)
ownercontact0   = (CONTACT)
admincontact0   = (CONTACT)
techcontact0    = (CONTACT)
billingcontact0 = (CONTACT)
nameserver0	= (NAMESERVER)
nameserver1 	= (NAMESERVER)
  • After the domain's registration, our system could have add a further extension to your domain. This will happen, if a concurrent application is active at the registry. The extension is X-BR-CONCURRENT-APPLICATION. It's value is 1. The extension is read-only and not available by API.
  • The validation process by the trustee can take between one and three days
  • The trustee service is NOT available for .BLOG.BR / ORG.BR domain names

Domain Modification

(API Command reference » ModifyDomain)
command = ModifyDomain
domain  = yourdomain.org.br

Domain contact modifications are not realtime.

Change of registrant

There is no automated way to change the registrant of a .org.br domain.

Domain Renewal

(API Command reference » RenewDomain)
command    = RenewDomain
domain     = yourdomain.org.br
period     = (INT)
expiration = (INT)

Domain Deletion

DeleteDomain is not available for .org.br TLDs.

Important: A .org.br domain can only be deleted by using the NIC.BR online form, which is only available in Portuguese.

Domain Transfer

(API Command reference » TransferDomain)
command = TransferDomain
domain = yourdomain.com.br
action = REQUEST
  • Important: The online form on the registry website is only available in Portuguese.
    • The current domain owner has to sign the document and has to have it notarially certified . Afterwards the document has to be sent to the address mentioned on the document, which is the registry NIC.BR. The registry will then contact the Trustee.
  • You can find an example transfer form in the download area of the RRPproxy webinterface.

Domain Restore

(API Command reference » RestoreDomain)
command = RestoreDomain
domain  = yourdomain.org.br

Domain Extensions


The extension is read-only and not available by API
X-BR-REGISTER-NUMBERThe CPF is the financial identity number provided by the Brazilian Government for every Brazilian citizen in order to charge taxes and financial matters. The CNPJ is the same as the CPF but it works for companies.
CPF must be given in the following format: NNN.NNN.NNN-NN
CNPJ must be given in the following format: NN.NNN.NNN/NNNN-NN

Domain Restrictions

  • Configured name servers are required. Therefore, the registry provides a zone check at http://registro.br/cgi-bin/nicbr/dnscheck
  • The Billing-Contact as well as the Owner-Contact need a local presence in Brazil. Therefore you can use our trustee service or provide us with your Brazilian register number (for the owner contact) and a Brazilian contact handle (for the billing contact).
  • In case of a Brazilian contact the two letter state value is mandatory:
    • Acre - AC
    • Alagoas - AL
    • Amapá - AP
    • Amazonas - AM
    • Bahia - BA
    • Ceará - CE
    • Distrito Federal - DF
    • Espíríto Santo - ES
    • Goiás - GO
    • Maranhão - MA
    • Mato Grosso - MT
    • Mato Grosso do Sul - MS
    • Minas Gerais - MG
    • Pará - PA
    • Paraíba - PB
    • Paraná - PR
    • Pernambuco - PE
    • Piauí - PI
    • Rio de Janeiro - RJ
    • Rio Grande do Norte - RN
    • Rio Grande do Sul - RS
    • Rondônia - RO
    • Roraima - RR
    • Santa Catarina - SC
    • São Paulo - SP
    • Sergipe - SE
    • Tocantins - TO
  • In order for an organization to be eligible for ORG.BR name registrations, it must prove it is a non-governamental and a not-for-profit organization. Therefore our trustee service can NOT be used.
  • A domain might NOT be available for registration by having participated in more than six (6) consecutive release processes. Details about the liberation process can be found on the registry website https://registro.br/dominio/proclib.html.
  • Individuals are excluded from the registration of .esp.br("esporte em geral" - sports) and .far.br("farmácias e drogarias" - pharmacies and drugstores) domain names. Only legal entities are eligible to register, the CNPJ number must be submitted. A trustee service can be used if necessary.

Supported IDN Scripts

The following IDN scripts are supported by .org.br.
Provide the LANGUAGE TAG corresponding to your desired IDN within the AddDomain command as X-IDN-LANGUAGE extension.


Get more information of "IDN tables", which represent permitted code points (letters) allowed for Internationalised Domain Name registrations in particular registries on IANA Repository of IDN Practices.

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