Domain Restrictions
- Configured name servers are required. Therefore, the registry provides a zone check at
- The Billing-Contact as well as the Owner-Contact need a local presence in Brazil. Therefore you can use our trustee service or provide us with your Brazilian register number (for the owner contact) and a Brazilian contact handle (for the billing contact).
- In case of a Brazilian contact the two letter state value is mandatory:
- Acre - AC
- Alagoas - AL
- Amapá - AP
- Amazonas - AM
- Bahia - BA
- Ceará - CE
- Distrito Federal - DF
- Espíríto Santo - ES
- Goiás - GO
- Maranhão - MA
- Mato Grosso - MT
- Mato Grosso do Sul - MS
- Minas Gerais - MG
- Pará - PA
- Paraíba - PB
- Paraná - PR
- Pernambuco - PE
- Piauí - PI
- Rio de Janeiro - RJ
- Rio Grande do Norte - RN
- Rio Grande do Sul - RS
- Rondônia - RO
- Roraima - RR
- Santa Catarina - SC
- São Paulo - SP
- Sergipe - SE
- Tocantins - TO
- In order for an organization to be eligible for ORG.BR name registrations, it must prove it is a non-governamental and a not-for-profit organization. Therefore our trustee service can NOT be used.
- A domain might NOT be available for registration by having participated in more than six (6) consecutive release processes. Details about the liberation process can be found on the registry website
- Individuals are excluded from the registration of"esporte em geral" - sports) and"farmácias e drogarias" - pharmacies and drugstores) domain names. Only legal entities are eligible to register, the CNPJ number must be submitted. A trustee service can be used if necessary.
The X-BR-REGISTER-NUMBER parameter is mandatory for the registration of a domain without trustee service.
If you register the domain without trustee service, you have to state a billing contact with a valid Brazilian address.