CentralNic Reseller Homepage
CentralNic Reseller Homepage


API commands

Please find in the following a set of the most commonly used standard API commands in order to register, modify, renew, and transfer a domain name.

Domain Registration

(API Command reference » AddDomain)
command         = AddDomain
domain          = yourdomain.nom.es
period          = (INT)
ownercontact0   = (CONTACT)
admincontact0   = (CONTACT)
techcontact0    = (CONTACT)
billingcontact0 = (CONTACT)
nameserver0	= (NAMESERVER)
nameserver1 	= (NAMESERVER)
X-ES-OWNER-LEGALFORM             = (INT)
X-ES-ADMIN-LEGALFORM             = 1
X-ES-TECH-LEGALFORM              = 1

Domain Modification

(API Command reference » ModifyDomain)
Standard command
command = ModifyDomain
domain  = yourdomain.nom.es

Requesting an AuthCode (for Transfer purpose)

command = ModifyDomain
domain  = yourdomain.nom.es

This command will trigger a generation of an AuthCode, which will be available for 10 days, on the StatusDomains response. This AuthCode shall be used with TransferDomain command.

Change of registrant

command         = TradeDomain
domain          = yourdomain.nom.es
ownercontact0   = (CONTACT)
admincontact0   = (CONTACT)
X-ES-OWNER-LEGALFORM             = (INT)
X-ES-ADMIN-LEGALFORM             = 1

As a response of the above command, you will receive the NIC handle for the new holder and new admin contact which is necessary to start the registrant transfer in the web- interface of the registry.

  1. Login at the registry with the credentials of the current admin contact
    1. Request the login details from your customer for the admin contact of the domain at the registry webinterface or, if not available, perform a WhoIs request at the NIC to receive the contact handle name (Identificador) of the admin contact (PERSONA DE CONTACTO ADMINISTRATIVO) https://www.nic.es/index.action
    2. If the password, related to the registry contact handle, for the login at the registry is not known, you can request the password from the registry. The password will be sent to the email address of the current admin contact
    3. Request the password from the holder of the domain for the admin contact's handle
    4. Please request a trade for the domain in our system, stating the new holder and new admin contact (see above example)
  2. Once you are logged in the webinterface click on "Solicitud Transmisión de dominio" (Domain Transfer Request)
    1. Enter the domain name
    2. Enter the new owner contact handle "Titular nuevo"
    3. Enter the new admin contact handle "PCA nuevo"
    4. Enter the captcha and press "Continuar"
    5. (next page)
    6. Press "Tramitacion si DNIe Certificado ..."
    7. Enter the path to the ID / Passport copy from the current admin contact of the domain and press "Finalizar solicitud"

Please note that the file has to be a .JPG with a maximum of 2MB and a maximum of 600px!

  • The new admin contact will receive an email from the registry enabling him to confirm or cancel the transfer request after he logged in to the webinterface of the registry.
    • If the request is approved it must be confirmed by going to the link which appears in the email. Please note, to access the confirmation form the admin contact must be logged into the NIC web interface.
    • To redeem the login credentials please see above.
    • Once the transfer request has been accepted, the web interface will display the content of the request so that the information entered can be checked and the request can be signed by uploading a copy of the ID card or passport.
    • Press "Tramitación sin DNIe/Certificado (Debe adjuntar fotocopia de su documento de identidad)"
    • Once the transfer has been confirmed a form will appear "New registrant's conditions acceptance" on which new contacts and DNS and other parameters can be entered. With the exception of "Accredited Registrar" which must be set to "KEY-SYSTEMS", please do not change anything else as this may cause un-synchronicity to the RRPproxy system.
    • After you have chosen "KEY-SYSTEMS" as registrar please click "Next".
    • Once the document has been signed a screen will appear showing a summary of the request and there will be a change of status.
  • After the trade has been approved by the current admin contact and the new admin contact the change of registrant needs to be confirmed by Key-Systems, acting as old and new registrar.

Update admin contact if required

command                        = ModifyDomain
domain                         = yourdomain.nom.es
admincontact0                  = (CONTACT)
X-ES-ADMIN-LEGALFORM           = 1

Since Red.ES checks the ID card number of the admin contact, it might be required to update the admin contact prior to the change of registrant.

Domain Renewal

(API Command reference » RenewDomain)
command    = RenewDomain
domain     = yourdomain.nom.es
period     = (INT)
expiration = (INT)

Domain Deletion

(API Command reference » DeleteDomain)
COMMAND = DeleteDomain
DOMAIN = yourdomain.nom.es
  • The deletion is initiated through our system.
  • The Admin-C (PCA) receives an email from the registry with 2 links (Approve/Cancel) where he is asked to approve the deletion.
  • The Admin-C has 10 days time to approve or cancel the deletion.

Domain Transfer

(API Command reference » TransferDomain)
command = TransferDomain
domain  = yourdomain.nom.es
action  = request
auth    = .......

An .es domain transfer must be initiated with a so-called authorisation code. Auth-codes can only be generated by the registry. To trigger the generation of a new auth-code, please use the command below.

Request New Auth-Code

command              = ModifyDomain
domain               = yourdomain.nom.es

The new .es auth-code will be given on the response, will be valid for 10 days, and it will also be available on StatusDomain response during that time.

Domain Restore

(API Command reference » RestoreDomain)
command = RestoreDomain
domain  = yourdomain.nom.es

The restore request will be manually processed by our support team. You will be notified by email.

Domain Extensions

X-ES-(OWNER|ADMIN|TECH|BILLING)-IDENTIFICACIONID card or passport number of the admin (You may create contacts for Spanish citizens using their passport. In this case you should indicate “Others” as type of Identification Document and include the passport number. Please remember that, in the event that the User may request a change of registrant, they should sign it with the copy of their passport.)
0 other (for contacts outside Spain)
1 DNI/NIF (for spanish contacts)
3 NIE (ID number for foreigners in Spain, composed of a letter at the beginning (usually X or Y), 7 numbers and a final letter, not hyphenated)


X-ES-OWNER-LEGALFORMIndividual or Legal Entity

Valid values are:
1 Individual
39 Economic Interest Group
47 Association
59 Sports Association
68 Professional Association
124 Savings Bank
150 Community Property
152 Community of Owners
164 Order or Religious Institution
181 Consulate
197 Public Law Association
203 Embassy
229 Local Authority
269 Sports Federation
286 Foundation
365 Mutual Insurance Company
434 Regional Government Body
436 Central Government Body
439 Political Party
476 Trade Union
510 Farm Partnership
524 Public Limited Company
525 Sports Association
554 Civil Society
560 General Partnership
562 General and Limited Partnership
566 Cooperative
608 Worker-owned Company
612 Limited Company
713 Spanish Office
717 Temporary Alliance of Enterprises
744 Worker-owned Limited Company
745 Regional Public Entity
746 National Public Entity
747 Local Public Entity
877 Others
878 Designation of Origin Supervisory (only for contacts outsight of Spain) Council
879 Entity Managing Natural Areas


Domain Restrictions

  • Admin-, Tech- and Billing- contact have to be a natural person
  • Since 2010 it is no longer possible to change the contact information of the domain holder trough a registrar.
  • The email address of the domain holder and admin contact can only be changed by the respective contact at the registry directly.

The SGND the list of reserved terms consisting of names of toponyms that coincide with the official denomination of the Territorial Public Administrations can be found here (https://www.dominios.es/sites/dominios/files/2021-08/toponimos_20210212.pdf).

These names are put on hold when registrations are submitted, the applications are rejected if requirements are not met. Anyone can submit a registration so it's not blocked. However the eligibility criteria is as follows:

The owner of the domain must be the Territorial Public Administration, the constitutional body, the State Institution or the international or supranational organisation, legitimised to request the domain name in accordance with the list of reserved terms, approved by Instruction of the President of the Public Business Entity Red.es dated 12 September 2005.

Only legal persons/ organisations can register these reserved domains. The organisation name must match the reserved names/ include the reserved name I believe.

Once registrations are submitted, the order goes into 'PDOC'/ Pending Documentation status. If documents are not submitted within 10 days the registration will be cancelled.

Documents that are submitted are reviewed by their team within 24-48hrs (as confirmed by phone).

Documents required:

  • Documentation accrediting that the holder is the Territorial Public Administration, constitutional body, State Institution or international or supranational body, legitimised to request the domain name in accordance with the list of reserved terms, approved by Instruction of the President of the Public Business Entity Red.es dated 12 September 2005.

FOR NIF (TAX number)

  • Copy of the holder's Tax Identification Card.

IDN Information

á, à, é, è, í, ï, ó, ò, ú, ü, ñ, ç and ·

We domains