Domain Restrictions
From December 01, 2022, customers are required to provide a valid phone number when registering a new .EC domain.
No domain names which:
- are formed by words or phrases that may turn offensive, harsh or that may affect moral or public order or that may go against Ecuadorian Law.
- deal with official aspects or subjects without a proper authorization.
- match with protocol names, applications and terminology of the Internet or domain name terminology , e.g. "http", "web", "www", "ftp", "telnet", "email", etc.
- match identically and under the same level, with existing domain names within the database of NIC.EC.
- match names restricted for registry, according to NIC.EC Policies.
- country names and city names are blocked.
From December 01, 2022, customers are required to provide a valid phone number when registering a new .EC domain.