Domain Restrictions
Any natural or legal person may register, renew, or use a Domain Name under the TLD .alsace, provided it can demonstrate that it has a connection to the region of Alsace at the time of registration, and also thereafter. No evidence is required from the RNH to register its Domain Name under the TLD .alsace. The Registry reserves, at its discretion, the ability to ask the RNH to provide proof of the connection to the region of Alsace. The RNH must be able to prove that:
- the place of residence is in Alsace, or,
- there is an engagement in business activities, personal, commercial or cultural, or
- there is a direct or indirect attachment relationship (economic, social, cultural, historical or otherwise) with Alsace.
The assessment of the admissibility of evidence is at the discretion of the Registry. The Registry has no obligation to post or to justify its decision.
After a successful registration of the domain, it will be transfer locked from the registry for a period of 60 days.