CentralNic Reseller Homepage
CentralNic Reseller Homepage


API commands

Please find in the following a set of the most commonly used standard API commands in order to register, modify, renew, and transfer a domain name.

Domain Registration

(API Command reference » AddDomain)
command         = AddDomain
domain          = yourdomain.ae
period          = (INT)
ownercontact0   = (CONTACT)
admincontact0   = (CONTACT)
techcontact0    = (CONTACT)
billingcontact0 = (CONTACT)
nameserver0	= (NAMESERVER)
nameserver1 	= (NAMESERVER)

Domain Modification

(API Command reference » ModifyDomain)
command = ModifyDomain
domain  = yourdomain.ae

Domain Renewal

(API Command reference » RenewDomain)
command    = RenewDomain
domain     = yourdomain.ae
period     = (INT)
expiration = (INT)

Domain Deletion

(API Command reference » DeleteDomain)
COMMAND = DeleteDomain
DOMAIN = yourdomain.ae

DeleteDomain will remove the domain instantly from RRPProxy. However, the domain will be deleted at the registry once the expiration date has been reached. If you need an immediate deletion, please reach out to our support team as this requires proof of the registrant.

Domain Transfer

(API Command reference » TransferDomain)
  • After the transfer is initiated, the losing registrar receives a message to approve a transfer request and are given three days to dispute the request, as per regulator guidelines.
  • All transfers are automatically approved after 48 hours.

Please note that due to registry requirements we will implement our standard FoA (Form of Authorization) handling for incoming and outgoing transfers requests of .AE domain names.

This means that a notification e-mail will be sent to the registrant who must confirm the requested transfer. The transfer will only be processed after confirmation. Otherwise the transfer request expires.

The FoA handling for .AE transfers will be activated on April 20, 2021.

command = TransferDomain
domain = yourdomain.ae
action = REQUEST
auth = (TEXT)
ownercontact0   = (optional)
admincontact0   = (optional)
techcontact0    = (optional)
billingcontact0 = (optional)
nameserver0	= (optional)
nameserver1 	= (optional)


The format for auth info requires a minimum length of 6 characters and a maximum length of 32 characters.

Additionally, auth info must contain at least one of each of the following three character types:

  • Alphabetic characters: a-z; A-Z
  • Numeric characters: 0-9

Must NOT be a word found in a dictionary!

Domain Restore

(API Command reference » RestoreDomain)
command = RestoreDomain
domain  = yourdomain.ae

Domain Restrictions

There are no restrictions for .ae

We domains