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CentralNic Reseller Homepage

The Unicast Infrastructure


This information is obsolete, please see the following Site

For the free of charge Unicast Infrastructure, KeyDNS provides Nameservers in four geographically separated locations covering Europe and North America.

France: ns1.rrpproxy.net
Germany: ns2.rrpproxy.net and ns4.rrpproxy.net
Canada: ns3.rrpproxy.net

Default nameserver set (IPv4 / IPv6)

The hostnames used for the Default Unicast Set (ns[1-3].rrpproxy.net and ns[1-3].dnsres.net) are mapped to the IP addresses our locations based in France (ns1 and ns2) and in Canada (ns3). Additional Nameserver in Germany ns4.rrpproxy.net.

ns1.rrpproxy.net94.23.167.207 / 2001:41d0:c:388:94:23:167:207
ns2.rrpproxy.net66.206.3.124 / 2604:4500:c:3:66:206:3:124
ns3.rrpproxy.net192.95.19.45 / 2607:5300:60:5e1c:192:95:19:45
ns4.rrpproxy.net51.75.87.7 / 2001:41d0:700:1bcf:51:75:87:7


command = ModifyDomain
domain = test.example
nameserver0 = ns1.rrpproxy.net
nameserver1 = ns2.rrpproxy.net
nameserver2 = ns3.rrpproxy.net

Whitelabel hostnames for default nameserver set (IPv4 / IPv6)

ns1.dnsres.net188.165.164.79 / 2001:41d0:c:388:188:165:164:79
ns2.dnsres.net66.206.3.126 / 2604:4500:c:3:66:206:3:126
ns3.dnsres.net192.95.19.39 / 2607:5300:60:5e1c:192:95:19:39
ns4.dnsres.net54.37.200.69 / 2001:41d0:700:1bcf:54:37:200:69


command = ModifyDomain
domain = test.example
nameserver0 = ns1.dnsres.net
nameserver1 = ns2.dnsres.net
nameserver2 = ns3.dnsres.net

Europe nameserver set (IPv4 / IPv6)

ns1.eu.rrpproxy.net94.23.167.207 / 2001:41d0:c:388:94:23:167:207
ns2.eu.rrpproxy.net66.206.3.124 / 2604:4500:c:3:66:206:3:124
ns3.eu.rrpproxy.net188.165.164.172 / 2001:41d0:c:388:188:165:164:172


command = ModifyDomain
domain = test.example
nameserver0 = ns1.eu.rrpproxy.net
nameserver1 = ns2.eu.rrpproxy.net
nameserver2 = ns3.eu.rrpproxy.net

Whitelabel hostnames for Europe nameserver set (IPv4 / IPv6)

ns1.eu.dnsres.net188.165.164.79 / 2001:41d0:c:388:188:165:164:79
ns2.eu.dnsres.net66.206.3.126 / 2604:4500:c:3:66:206:3:126
ns3.eu.dnsres.net178.33.34.132 / 2001:41d0:c:388:178:33:34:132


command = ModifyDomain
domain = test.example
nameserver0 = ns1.eu.dnsres .net
nameserver1 = ns2.eu.dnsres .net
nameserver2 = ns3.eu.dnsres .net

North America nameserver set (IPv4 / IPv6)

ns1.na.rrpproxy.net192.95.19.45 / 2607:5300:60:5e1c:192:95:19:45
ns2.na.rrpproxy.net198.27.78.130 / 2607:5300:60:6bbe:198:27:78:130


command = ModifyDomain
domain = test.example
nameserver0 = ns1.na.rrpproxy.net
nameserver1= ns2.na.rrpproxy.net

Whitelabel hostnames for North America nameserver set (IPv4 / IPv6)

ns1.na.dnsres.net192.95.19.39 / 2607:5300:60:5e1c:192:95:19:39
ns2.na.dnsres.net192.95.17.187 / 2607:5300:60:6bbe:192:95:17:187


command = ModifyDomain
domain = test.example
nameserver0 = ns1.na.dnsres .net
nameserver1= ns2.na.dnsres.net

Mixed usage

It is also possible to use a combination of nameservers of the Europe and North America Unicast set


command = ModifyDomain
domain = test.example
nameserver0 = ns1.eu.rrpproxy.net
nameserver1 = ns2.eu.rrpproxy.net
nameserver2 = ns3.eu.rrpproxy.net
nameserver3 = ns1.na.rrpproxy.net
nameserver4 = ns2.na.rrpproxy.net

We domains